The author makes an atempt to define writing from the forensic point of view, in accordance with previous specialist opinions . The writing was the supreme means of inter-human communication, a product of education and a sign of culture. Camilo Baldi said that the graphical particularities of a writing are unrepeatable in another writing and totally irreproducible by another person. From this perspective, writing can be regarded both as a means of gramophoscopic forensic identification, but also as a graphological assessment tool. In the notion of writing, we must include not only explicit literal manifestations, but also non-linear graphical representations: punctuation marks, underline modes, explanatory drawings, even the ways to cancel words. The mechanism that provides writing is extremely complicated and has a multitude of components. Some of these are constantly manifested (education and habits that have fixed the calligraphy type, hand position, bone length of the writer's member, elasticity of the fist, forearm and palmar muscle), others are variable (cerebral excitation, rush, external temperature). A destructive impact on the writing mechanism may be the age of the writer, and his writing modifies himself due to the moody state. Changes in the defining features of writing may also occur in other circumstances. In conclusion, it would be necessary to set up a national expert school to generate unified and unified continuous professional training, so that future experts are professionally capable of correctly examining writing and delivering definite conclusions to identify the authors.