About the Journal




Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Iurisprudentia (SUBB. Iurisprudentia) is the law series of Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai.

It is the successor of the journal Analele Facultății de Drept din Cluj [Annals of the Faculty of Law, Cluj] (1939-1943). The journal ceased its publication during the Second World War.

Refounded under a different name, in 1955, it had its first issue published in 1956. Initially, the publication was biannual, but in the ‘70s and ‘80s it became semestrale.

After 1990, it restarted its biannual publication and from 2009 it is issued quarterly.

The Law journal seeks to publish innovative research and opinions from the professors of the Faculty of Law at Babes-Bolyai University, as well as those of our valued national and international collaborators.

Objective scientific reasoning and coherent argumentation are the only criteria for the selection of articles and reviews. The Journal does not require any payments for the evaluation or publishing.

All opinions expressed in SUBB Iurisprudentia are those of the authors, who are solely responsible for them.

All articles and reviews published are available on this site free of charge. They are published under the terms of a Creative Commons license which permits, without charge, use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Besides, they are also available to subscribers of HeinOnline, EBSCO, ERIH Plus, ProQuest - IBSS and CEEOL.

Detailed information:


ISSN-L: 1220-045x

ISSN online: 2065-7498

ISSN (print): 1220-045x

Different journal names throughout time

Time Period
Journal name
Analele Facultății de Drept din Cluj
Buletinul Universităților „V. Babeș” și „Bolyai”. Cluj, seria științe sociale, vol. I, nr. 1—2
Buletinul Universităților „V. Babeș” și „Bolyai”. Cluj, seria științele naturii, vol. II, nr. 1—2
Studia Universitatum Victor Babeș et Bolyai, Tomus III Series III Fasciculus 2, Iurisprudentia
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai, Series III Fasciculus 2, Iurisprudentia
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Series III Fasciculus 2 Oeconomica et Iurisprudentia, ISSN 1220-0409
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Series Iurisprudentia, ISSN 1220-0441
1975-present day
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Iurisprudentia, ISSN-L: 1220-045x

Current periodicity:

trimestrial  (Mars, June, September, December)

Type of publication:



CNCSIS (Consiliul Național al Cercetării Știintifice din Învățământul Superior):
Cod CNCSIS: 535
Titlu: Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Iurisprudentia
Category: B+

Internantional databases:

ProQuest Ulrichsweb.com™ [Ulrich's Periodicals Directory]
CEEOL - Central & Eastern European Online Library Germany