In May 2017, the Second Professional Forensic Seminar was held in Alba Iulia. The professional forensic seminar organized in Alba Iulia became a tradition, embraced by many people. The event, far from being a typical conference, demonstrates its uniqueness and the modern note through the open discussion framework and the pleasant ambience offered by the city of Alba Iulia in which modern and history blend perfectly.
The theme chosen by this time was "Criminalistic and Forensic Medicine Interpretation of Material Elements". In organizing this seminar were involved renowned institutions in the legal field, such as: Romanian Society of Criminology, Forensics and Penitentiary Sciences (Transylvania Branch), International Police Asociation (Romanian Section), The University "1 December 1918" from Alba Iulia and the Faculty of Law from "Babeş-Bolyai" within University of Cluj-Napoca.
In addition, they participated as partner institutions: the National Mina Minovici Forensic Institute from Bucharest, the Prosecutor's Office attached to the ALBA Court of Appeal, the Prosecutor's Office attached to CLUJ Court of Appeal, the National Criminal Investigation Institute from Bucharest, the University of Bucharest- Law Faculty and National Center for Judicial Expertise from Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
The seminar took place in the conference room of the "Parc" Hotel in Alba Iulia, where the participants had a hospitable reception, a comfortable environment, suitable for their involvement in the talks that followed the lectures. Although it may be thought that this event was exclusively for forensic professionals or forensic medicine, it has been noticed that the themes proposed for the debate present a dose of curiosity and interest for the most diverse levels of training that the present ones had Former law professors from Cluj Napoca, Alba Iulia and the Faculty of Psychology from Bucharest. The seminar had important guests, both nationally and internationally renowned: Professor Emilian Stancu, University Professor D. Augustin Lazar, University Professor D. Valentin Iftenie, Attorney D. Mihai Baco (Vice President of the European Bar Association), University Professor D. Vicenzo Tarantino (Italy), Elio Carlos Tarantino Mendoza Garofani (Italy), Professor D. Maciej Szostak (Poland), D.Rafal Ciesla, D.Grzegorz Ruszek ((Poland) and the Academy of Hungarian Police Forces. The lectures were conducted in Italian, English and Romanian, with participants receiving simultaneous translation.