The main goal of this article is to reveal an unexplored period in the history of Romanian Environmental Law. By comparison with legislation for the protection of terrestrial wildlife, the legislation for aquatic wildlife protection was not a subject of study. Most of the Romanian authors in the field of Environmental Law just remember the existence of two articles in the Romanian Criminal Code of 1865 and the first Fishing Act of 1896, but nothing between these two specific moments. That is why the author considers necessary writing about this unmapped period. His intention is to inform the public about the existence of the aquatic wildlife protection provisions in the Romanian Civil Code of 1864, in The general terms for the leasing of the Public Estates, The general terms for the leasing of the left side of the Danube channel together with its aits (1888), The general terms for the leasing of the fishing rights in Dobruja (1889) and The police of hunting Act of 1891.