Hungarian law in the first decade of the 21st century (Hungarian law - comparative law)


hungarian legal history of public law
hungarian legal history of private law
hungarian legal history of penal law
constitution of the republic of hungary
hungarian civil code (act IV of 1959)
hungarian court system
law faculties in hungary


In the second half of the 20th century the Hungarian legal system was classified as a member of the Socialist legal family. Due to the changes of 1989-90, the Socialist order ceased to exist and the Soviet Union fell apart. During the last twenty years Hungarian society as well as the legal system has gone through a significant change. After twenty years of continuous legislation, which resulted in a basically different legal system, the most important question is how the fundamental features of Hungarian law could be described. In order to provide information for foreign lawyers on the actual place of the Hungarian legal system among the great legal systems of the world - after a short overview of the Hungarian legal history - this essay gives a comparative summary of the main elements of the constitutional, civil and commercial law, the judicial organisation and the legal education of the country.