The aim of this study is to highlight and analyse the modifications introduced in the Special Part of the Criminal Code, Crimes against individuals, with the entry into force of Law no. 171/2023 and Law no. 248/2023.
This article will attempt a point-by-point theoretical analysis of the modifications, in a critical manner when necessary. It will also be analysing the potential problems these modifications may raise in reference to other incrimination norms, thus exposing the (in)appropriateness of the changes.
S. BOGDAN, Drept penal. Partea specială, vol. I, ed. 2, Ed. Sfera, Cluj-Napoca, 2007;
G. BODORONCEA, I. KUGLAY, L. LEFTERACHE, I. MATEI, I. NEDELCU, F. VASILE, Codul penal, Ed. C.H. Beck, București, 2007;
M. Udroiu, Sinteza modificărilor legislative operate prin Legile 171/2023, nr. 213/2023, nr. 217/2023 și nr. 248/2023 în cazul infracțiunilor contra persoanei și a celor contra patrimoniului – Analele Universității București – Seria Drept, Forum Juridic nr. 2/2023.
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CA Suceava, dec.pen.: 1396/2023 din 12.10.2023cod RJ 9859ge936, online: https://www.rejust.ro/juris/9859ge936;
CA Iași, dec.pen.: 854/2023 din 21.09.2023, cod RJ 397g639d6, online: https://www.rejust.ro/juris/397g639d6;
CA Cluj, dec.pen.: 837/2023 din 09.05.2023, RJ ee3937336, online: https://www.rejust.ro/juris/ee3937336;
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CA Cluj, dec.pen.: 621/2022 din 05.05.2022, cod RJ 39466ged9, online: https://www.rejust.ro/juris/39466ged9;
CA Timișoara, dec.pen.: 913/2021 din 16.09.2021, cod RJ 2d36e4gg, online: https://www.rejust.ro/juris/2d36e4gg;
CA București, dec.pen.: 847/2021 din 02.07.2021, cod RJ 46249g28, online: https://www.rejust.ro/juris/46249g28;
CA București. dec.pen.: 416/2021 din 24.03.2021, cod RJ 46593gg4, online: https://www.rejust.ro/juris/46593gg4;
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