Civil tort law sau paradigma ilicitului civil

Cuvinte cheie

drept civil
dreptul anglo-saxon
dreptul ilicitului civil
responsabilitate juridică (vinculum iuris)
fapte ilicite intenționate
fapte ilicite săvârșite din neglijență
răspundere obiectivă
abordare meta-economică
daune compensatorii
daune punitive
injoncțiuni judiciare


This paper aims to introduce the romanistic formed jurist in a short peregrination through a different legal system--different as an intellectual source and legal structure--such as the Anglo-Saxon legal system, in order to bring an affable concern for the perspectives that can offer, therefore exploring a cultural dimension subjected to low interest of a nowadays continental jurist.

Our concern will focus on that branch of private law known in a common law system known as tort law, trying to facilitate and understand the reason of this matter by drawing certain guidelines that will lead to a much tangible shape and crystallization of the institution.