The age of Iustinian represents the last stage in the evolution of the Roman Imperium. This Emperor, whose work changed the history of the world, had three major objectives. First, the reconquest of the Roman Empire; because his face was also turned towards the past, his ideal was to restore the proud aspect of the Roman teritory. This was chiefly realised by Justinian conquests in Italy, Spain and Africa. His military achievements decided the course of and affected the development of Western Europe. Second and the only one to be achieved, came the composition of the Roman law pillar, the Corpus Iuris Civilis. With a general reflection, Justinian introduced to the roman world the first of the great legal monuments, wich have immortalised his name and contributed to the welfare and progress of European civilisation.
The most important legacy of the Emperor himself lays in the field of law. Containing old wine in new barrels, it is obvious that Corpus Iuris Civilis still shapes legal culture today. Under his reign was created the civil jurisprudence that still commands the laws of Estern and Western nations. The third goal followed by the Emperor was the reunification of the Church. He became a sort of imperial pontiff and his cesaropapism represents the fulfilment of the policy which Constantin tried to establish. Under Justinian we see a concerted effort to restore the authority, autonomy and dignity of the imperial office; on the one hand, in his person was accomplished the roman last absolutism, but on the other hand, standing on the shore of the modern period, Justinian cast into the water of the future great stones which have created immense circles.