Seeing the Decision of the Administration Council of Babeș-Bolyai University no. 15823/14.11.2022, the editorial board of the journal Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Iurisprudentia decides:
The quality control of the papers published in SUBB Jurisprudence rests entirely with the editorial board, which obliges itself to publish only studies and articles at a European level.
Each document submitted for publication is subject to a similarity check, to detect any unlawful use of texts, and to avoid the publication of plagiarized and self-plagiarized works.
The similarity report is produced automatically, through the analysis of the texts by specialized software, made available to the editorial office of SUBB Iurisprudentia by Babeș-Bolyai’s University. The report, generated by the mentioned software, is archived one year from the date of its issue.
The conditions, terms, and procedure for verifying the texts submitted for publication are those provided in the Regulations for doctoral studies of Babeș-Bolyai’s University, also used to calculate the similarity ratio for doctoral theses.
The elements that the used software founds to be similar are verified, regardless of their percentage, by the editorial staff of SUBB Iurisprudentia. If it is concluded that the material is plagiarized or self-plagiarized, its publication is rejected and the author and the institution to which it belongs are notified.
To determine plagiarism or self-plagiarism, the editorial office of SUBB Iurisprudentia takes into consideration the criteria included in the legal definition of these deviations as in art. 4 para. (1) lit. d) and e) from Romanian Law no. 206/2004.
December 19, 2022, Cluj-Napoca
Editorial Board:
Editor-in-chief: Conf.univ. Dr. Şerban DIACONESCU
Editor-coordinator: Asist.univ. Dr. Dorin JOREA
Editorial secretary: Lect.univ. Dr. Sergiu GOLUB
Prof.univ. Dr. Mircea Dan BOB-BOCȘAN
Prof.univ. Dr. Paul VASILESCU
Prof.univ. Dr. Ovidiu PODARU
Prof.univ. Dr. Sergiu BOGDAN
Conf.univ. Dr. Cosmin COSTAŞ