Solutions to the problem of criminal liability for autonomous vehicles

  • Georgian Marcel Husti Faculty of Law, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca; Prosecutor's Office attached to the Oradea District Court
Keywords: artificial intelligence law, criminal liability and AI, AI accountability, legal challenges of AI, autonomous systems regulation, AI legal personhood, technological responsibility, AI and mens rea, AI and actus reus


As artificial intelligence (AI) technologies become increasingly sophisticated and autonomous, the traditional paradigms of criminal law face unprecedented challenges. The capacity of AI systems to make decisions and take actions that can result in harm or legal violations prompts a critical examination of how criminal liability should be attributed in the age of intelligent machines. This article explores the evolving landscape of AI and its implications for criminal liability, arguing that existing legal frameworks are ill-equipped to address the nuances of accountability and agency in AI-driven actions. At the same time, we will explore possible solutions.
