The minor, passive or active subject of drug trafficking?

Analysis of the special aggravating circumstances provided by art. 13 para. 1 let. c) and d) of Law no. 143/2000 on preventing and combating illicit drug trafficking and consumption, with comparative law aspects

  • Claudia Cristina Povăliceanu Faculty of Law, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca; Prosecutor's Office attached to the Timișoara District Court
Keywords: children, drugs, victims, social-educational units, vulnerability, impaired judgment, peer pressure, protective measures, initiation into drug use, exploitation in drug production and cultivation, aggravating circumstances, comparative law


In this paper we followed the analysis of the conditions and circumstances that fall within the scope of application in national law of the aggravating circumstances provided for in art. 13 para. (1), let. (c) and (d) of Law no. 143/2000 and the importance of their application in order to prevent the exploitation of minors either as victims, or as active subjects. In the desire to provide an exhaustive analysis, we could not limit our research and explanations of these concepts solely from the perspective of national law. In order to provide a more comprehensive picture of the scope of application, we found appropriate to present the vision of other European countries and, in some cases, to refer to the actions enforced to combat this phenomenon directed against minors at international level.
